Meet Your Coach


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Education :

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Functional Movement System

Titleist Performance Institute L1

StrongFirst SFG 1 Kettlebell Instructor

NASM Golf Fitness Specialist

NASM Corrective Exercise

Precision Nutrition L1

Adrian Cooke

Specializing in -

Strength and Conditioning
Golf Mobility and Strength
Weight Management

I am native of Northern Ireland, and came to the US in 2009 and bringing over 20 years of direct sports performance experience. I was a member of the regional football team (soccer) and Senior level cricket team. During those years of performing with high intensity and physicality, I developed chronic back pain,sometimes so painful, I was unable to walk.

When I first moved to the U.S. I hadn’t played any competitive soccer for around 3 years simply because my body was beat up and the dreary British climate of cold and damp weather really didn’t do anything for my  joints. I had already started lifting weights, although I was definitely a late starter simply because I really didn’t see the benefits of doing so up to that point.  Having back pain, all the experts recommended strengthening my ‘core’ to help build up some stability for my lower back. 

In the beginning, this really did not help and if anything aggravated my back as much as before. Although I was doing all the recommended exercises, I had never been taught how to do these correctly or understand the mechanics and what was really going on with my body.

After this realization, I decided to become a Personal Trainer and educate myself on how to exercise the correct way. By the time I had met my wife, Neely and moved across the pond to the U.S, I was already back playing soccer regularly and without the nagging knee, back and ankle pain.

Making the time and investment to learn proper technique is priceless and well worth the effort and will provide safe and consistent progress for the long term .

My mission is to help people learn from my experiences and mistakes by providing the tools and education to build a solid foundation of proper movement and strength the “correct” way, to avoid injury and become strong and mobile enough to remain physically active, competitive and independent for as long as possible! 

Kettlebells are my favorite piece of equipment to train and teach with because of their versatility and portability. But I also offer programs using progressions with barbells, bodyweight and resistance band training . Nutrition plays a huge part in our quality of life so if needed, I can help coach on this and keep you accountable.

-Adrian Cooke