What is ‘Power Of Three Fitness’?
Throughout history, the number 3 has often been the theme or some form of symbolism in countless cultures and traditions…whether it be the ‘The Holy Trinity’, the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future,all the way down to the Three Wise Monkeys. It seems that when we combine three inciteful thoughts, entities or principals, we can create something that has a much stronger and more powerful representation.
We can all draw something spiritual or inspiring from whichever combination of magical 3’s we decide to follow. At Power Of Three Fitness, our philosophy is built around 3 important factors that are a must to maintaining or improving a healthy, active lifestyle and staying competitive for as long as we possibly can.
These are Movement ,Discipline and Fuel, and are broken down and explained below :-
Movement - dictates the way we live .… all day, every day. If we neglect or take for granted how we move and how often we move, something as simple as getting up off the floor or out of a chair will be beyond our capabilities sooner than we thought.
Discipline - put simply is the commitment , focus and the mental strength required to stay the course and become the best version of ourselves. There will be days when we aren’t quite as motivated to keep up with the necessary daily habits and routines to achieve these goals, and that is when learning some form of discipline comes into play.
Fuel - basically everything we put in our mouths. Balanced, healthy meals and drink selection are the key to providing the necessary energy, nutrients and building blocks to sustain a long and healthy life. Every single function or emotion we experience in our bodies and minds is affected by how we fuel ourselves.